National Institute for Native Leadership in Higher Education

NINLHE logo featuring yellow, blue, red and white.



国家高等教育原住民领导力研究所(NINLHE)的使命是影响美国和加拿大高等教育的变革,以改善美洲印第安人的经历和教育成果, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, and Aboriginal students.

学院致力促进本地及非本地高等教育专业人员的专业发展,以改善本地学生的皇冠app官方版下载情况, retention and graduation rates.  By strengthening the capacity of these individuals, who are essential for Native student success, and promoting culturally appropriate practices, NINLHE改善了土著学生的教育培训和体验, 以及为美国和加拿大的教职员工提供的专业环境.  As a peer among other professional associations, NINLHE将利用我们的集体专业知识和影响力,为全国高等教育界提供领导.

More About NINLHE

Our Annual Institute 在提高土著和非土著管理人员知识的领域提供与文化相关和基于证据的专业发展, faculty, and professional staff who work with Native student populations. 

NINLHE’s Governing Council 主要由来自公立和私立学院和大学的本地高等教育专业人员组成.



Our bylaws are an identity document. 我们是谁,我们代表什么,我们如何做事,对所有读这些书的人来说都应该是显而易见的. Our bylaws govern our conduct and the conduct of those who will follow after us. They will need to be reminded, as we sometimes do, 我们代表这个组织所做的决定会影响到我们之外的七代人.

In founding this organization, 我们所寻求的无非是改变高等教育机构,使其成为土著人民既能追求自己的教育目标,又能保持其文化身份完整的地方. 我们认识到,用同样的方式做同样的事情,期望不同的结果,我们是不可能成功的. 我们呼吁祖先和长辈的智慧指引我们走上一条新的道路. 我们的力量在于我们的不同,而这种不同是我们生存的关键. Our uniqueness is a gift we offer to others.

Our organization is a many-layered web. We each represent individual institutions. 然而,就像一张网,我们彼此相连,我们的未来也同样交织在一起. 影响我们中的一个人的事情会影响到我们所有人,因为伤害一个人就是伤害所有人. And, the honor of one is the honor of all.

As the Governing Council of this organization, we affirm that leaders exist to serve the people. People are more important than things. People are more important than time. Every member of this organization has the right to speak in Council. 智慧有很多来源,好的建议无论谁提出都是受欢迎的. Leaders do not wield power. They hold responsibility in a sacred trust with the people.

We value consensus in our decision-making, as did our ancestors. We communicate honestly and openly. Time does not dictate the pace at which we make decisions. We wait until a course of action becomes apparent to all. 一个好的决定是帮助了一部分人,即使不是所有人,也不会伤害任何人. If a decision is good only for others and not for us, but does us no harm, then we must let it come to pass. We do not compete with each other. 成为“第一个”或“唯一一个”并不重要,重要的是要确保所有人都有足够的食物.

We conduct ourselves and our relations with each other in a good way. We know those things that lead to our well-being. We observe moderation and balance in all things. And, we know those things that lead to our self-destruction. While in this circle, we abstain from alcohol and other drugs.

We pledge ourselves to this sacred responsibility.

Governing Council

Karen Francis-Begay, Ph.D.

Karen Francis-Begay, Ph.D.



Independent Scholar & Higher Education Consultant

[email protected]

Symphony Oxendine

Symphony Oxendine

Cherokee/ Choctaw

Vice Chair

Associate Professor of Higher Education, Watson College of Education, University of North Carolina Wilmington

[email protected]

Timothy Ecklund Ph.D.

Timothy Ecklund Ph.D.


Consultant, MindArch, Genesis Projects Associates

Geni Cowan Ph.D.

Geni Cowan Ph.D.




Professor, Department of Graduate and Professional Studies in Education, California State university, Sacramento

[email protected]

Steven Abbott

Steven Abbott

Associate Director of Admissions & Coordinator of Native/Indigenous Outreach, Dartmouth College


Augustine McCaffery Ed. D.

Augustine McCaffery Ed. D.

Comanche Nation of Oklahoma

Past Chair
Greg Graves

Greg Graves

Delaware Tribe of Western Oklahoma

学生事务助理院长兼社区参与院长副主任 & Diversity, Stanford University

[email protected]

Nichole Prescott Ph.D.

Nichole Prescott Ph.D.



[email protected]


NINLHE成立于1993年,是一家501(c)(3)公司. Colleen Larimore and Dr. Jim Larimore, 他是达特茅斯学院和斯坦福大学印第安人项目的前主任. With funding from the Intel Foundation, NINLHE began as a strategic, 由全国最成功的本土学生保留项目的十几名主管组成的自助联盟. 尽管两位董事在各自的家乡校园都面临着几乎相同的挑战, at that time, each worked in isolation from one another. 他们意识到,通过共同努力,他们可以做很多事情来帮助自己, and by extension, all of the students. By coming together through an organization as NINLHE, 它提供了扩大影响的机会,从而在机构和国家层面上对土著教育实践和政策进行急需的改变.

Philanthropic Support

自成立以来,NINLHE作为一个全国性的专业高等教育机构取得了成功,这得益于多个慈善组织的支持. These include:

Past Sponsors

NINLHE partnered in the past with several sponsors that included:

NINLHE, NAIC, ISAN Summer Institute. 25-29 July 2022 University of North Carolina at Wilmington

For more than 25 years, NINLHE汇集了致力于美洲原住民成功的高等教育专业人士, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, First Nations and all Indigenous students from colleges, universities and organizations across North America and the Pacific. NINLHE is unique in the calendar of Indigenous education events. Intentionally designed as a “non-conference,相反,NINLHE是一种共享体验,为参与者提供了学习和分享最佳实践的难得机会, 与同行机构的同事建立联系,并制定战略,继续改善土著人民的高等教育机会. At the same time, 参与者分享文化和个人经历,给予肯定, colleagueship, personal renewal and development. NINLHE每年提供有限的空间,以确保体验尽可能相关和互动,我们鼓励所有与会者充分参与.

大多数参与者在学习期间也选择留在学校, 节省了金钱成本,同时增加了个人联系和享受的非凡元素. 土著人民高等教育学院旨在改变土著人民高等教育的格局,一直是专业发展和个人更新的特殊结合.

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