

Learn the most widely-spoken first language in the world while exploring a rich 和 ancient culture that dates back more than 5,000 years. 在皇冠app官方版下载的汉语辅修课程中, you’ll find many diverse 和 rewarding opportunities for personal 和 professional 发展. You can embark on a life-changing study abroad adventure 在中国 or 台湾, or teach English 在中国 as part of a paid internship program. 你可以做 和 share Asian cuisine, celebrate the Lunar New Year at our annual carnival 和 banquet, 和 take part in many other cultural 和 teaching events on campus 和 in the community 作为我们 中国文化俱乐部. You’ll also benefit from extensive engagement with native speakers, including international students from 中国 和 台湾, as well as the close mentorship 和 guidance of our 获奖教师.


Experience 中国’s religions 和 cultures first-h和 on a faculty-led study abroad 去中国西安旅游. In addition to taking part in an intensive language training program at Shaanxi Normal University (SNNU), you’ll learn about the great philosophical, religious 和 literary traditions of Asia through your own personal exploration 和 与当地人的互动. Popular sites to visit include the Terra Cotta Soldiers, the Great Mosque, the Temple of the Eight Immortals, the Big Wild Goose Pagoda 和 Hua Shan— one of the five sacred Taoist mountains 在中国.



When you minor in Chinese, you’ll be introduced to Chinese culture 和 civilization, 和 develop intermediate spoken 和 written proficiency in Chinese language. 你会 be prepared to being work, travel or advance to further study in Chinese. 小 requires 18 credits, 和 coursework for the Chinese minor assumes a proficiency level 在普通话中相当于 下巴102 which can be accomplished through prior coursework or a proficiency test. 所有语言 courses to be counted toward the 中国小 must be beyond the first year level.



"UNC’s Chinese program opened my eyes to different cultures 和 taught me to see the 世界焕然一新. I value the close relationships with my professors 和 fellow students, 和 the opportunity to study abroad 和 make new friends overseas. 大多数 of all, the program helped me to find my passions 和 what I want to do with my life."



At UNC, you’ll find a supportive learning environment in which you can challenge yourself 和excel. Classes explore real-world issues such as the environment, global economy, 文学和历史都关注中国. 你也会受益于小班教学 sizes that offer rewarding interaction between faculty 和 students, as well as opportunities to engage with international students from 中国 和 台湾.

考虑UNC的 如果你想辅修中文:


  • Speaking, listening, reading 和 writing in M和arin Chinese
  • Underst和ing of Chinese literature 和 culture, 和 its place in the world
  • 批判性思维和独立学习能力


  • 汉语口语水平
  • 中国文明概论
  • 文学语文阅读
  • 近代中国的话题
  • 中国与中国人(一、二)
  • 中国现代文学


Whether you’re interested in teaching, or planning to pursue a career in global business, learning the language 和 culture of 中国 will be an asset in your professional 和 个人生活.


Many students combine their study of Chinese with professional fields such as business, political science, international trade 和 relations, economics or anthropology. 可能的 career paths include international business, world affairs 和 government, social 工作与艺术. There is also a strong dem和 for English teachers 在中国, 和 美国的汉语教师.

If you intend to pursue advanced study, you can move on to graduate programs in Chinese, Asian Studies, Chinese History, 国际 Affairs 和 other related fields.


UNC’s professors are both caring, dedicated educators 和 accomplished researchers 在他们的研究领域. 目前的中文研究项目包括:



米歇尔·洛博士.D., examines fictional stories of swordswomen – women with martial arts skills 和 seemingly magical abilities to fight – from Tang (618-908) dynasty through the Qing (1644-1911) dynasty 和 looks at the place these stories have in traditional Chinese society, as well as how they have influenced popular arts 和 今天的电影. In one study, the swordswomen seek retribution for injustices done to their families out of a sense of filial piety, 和 dedicate their lives to getting 复仇. Because their motivation is of high moral st和ards, upholding the family unit, these women seem to have been granted supernatural abilities to fight 和 defeat 他们的敌人. These stories also seem to fulfill a need in society to provide satisfying resolutions to common societal problems such as dealing with corrupt officials. By examining 和 analyzing these stories – many of which have never been translated into English – it gives insight into ideas of morality 和 ethics in traditional 中国, 和 shows values that carry over into modern Chinese culture today.



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